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Why Start Now

Some of the best Wisdom I have ever heard is priceless and true.  The best time to start is always Now.  In “everything” you consider doing for your betterment, its better to start now than later.  Start now, don’t wait and you will always win!  It’s just that simple.


“Almost anyone can recognize an opportunity, but few people will actually act upon opportunities” Steve Utley, CEO WyzeMedia.  Some people go their entire lives with the mindset that they have to trade time for money. And they never experience the other side where their work is something they look forward to every day.


Don’t think about it, do it today!  It’s counterintuitive because everyone nowadays overthinks everything.  It’s time to stop thinking and start doing.


Feeling Grateful

Don’t think for a minute that I’m ending this with a sappy saying.  Gratitude deserves to be first on the list.

If you haven’t figured it out, life is all about perception.  The rich person with a poor perspective is lost, the poor person with a rich perspective believes they create their own happy life.


Poor Mindsets believe “Life happens to me”

If you want to create independence and especially financial independence, it is imperative that you believe you are the steering wheel of your life and that you create every moment.  Instead of taking responsibility for what’s going on in their lives, poor people choose to play the victim.  As in bad things happen to me.  Always complaining, always expecting bad things to happen and Presto, just like that the universe answers.  Now here’s your 30 day challenge.  I challenge you not to complain at all.  Not just out loud, but in your head also.  I’ve given this challenge to hundreds of people and this simple exercise completely transformed their lives.

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Poor vs Rich Mindset

Poor play the money game not to lose.  Always on the defense rather than the offense.  If you play any sport or game on defense, what are you chances of winning?  Yet, that’s exactly how most people play the money game.  Their primary concern is survival and security, not financial independence and a life of abundance.  What is your goal?


Rich people create goals for financial independence.  Poor people’s goal is to have “enough to pay the bills” and paying bills on time would be a miracle… Let me remind you the universe will always answer your intentions.  If your intention is to have enough to pay the bills, that’s exactly what you will get.  You get what you intend to get.


Rich Mindsets are Committed

Each of us have a file on wealth in our minds.  What would I do “IF” I won the lottery?  Every file contains our beliefs including why being wealthy would be great.  But many people also think about why being wealthy might not be so great.  Those people have mixed internal messages around money and wealth.  Those mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never create any wealth or financial independence.


Those that have created personal wealth are totally clear on what they want and what they don’t want.  They will do “whatever it takes” to create financial independence as long as it’s moral, legal and ethical.  Rich people do not send mixed messages to the universe, poor people do.


Now the bad news, creating financial independence is not a “walk in the park”.  It takes focus, commitment and determination.  You have to commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously.


Rich People Think Big

I once went to a seminar where a trainer created a multi-million dollar net worth in just 3 years.  When asked his secret he said, “Everything changed the day I began to think big”


Another way to understand his answer is how many people do you serve or affect.


Some trainers are happy to speak to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, still others want 5000 or more people in attendance.   Do you think there is a difference in the success level of these trainers?  You bet there is!  Do you want to play big or play small?  It’s your choice.  But understand, it’s not about you.  It’s about living your mission.  It’s about being true to your purpose.  It’s about adding to the world and serving others and adding value to peoples lives.


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Rich People Focus on Opportunities

Poor people focus on problems.  Rich people see an opportunity and work to explore it.  Rich people see potential growth, poor people see potential loss.  Rich people focus on the rewards, poor people focus on the risks.


I’m not talking about merely “positive thinking” (but that’s 90% of it), I’m talking about a habitual way of seeing the world.   Poor people live in fear, their minds are constantly scanning for what’s wrong.   Rich people take responsibility for creating their life and create the mindset, “It will work because I will make it work”.


The Rich Mindset

Rich people are quick to make a decision and slow to change their mind.  Dave Ramsey, the national best selling author, once explained the difference between broke and poor is attitude.  The broke have no money right now but have a positive outlook, they believe they can do better.


Rich People Build Multiple Streams of Income

Poor people put all their eggs in one basket.  There are plenty of people that work hard but remain poor.  There are several ways the rich mindset works differently.  They may hold a ‘day job” but always find ways to earn additional income.


Rich People Do Not Flaunt Their Wealth

The general perception of the rich is that they flaunt their wealth.  We are lied to when we see those flaunt their wealth by wearing designer clothes, taking fancy vacations they brag about and have lavish parties.  In reality a small number of truly rich, especially the self made rich never really live this way and those that do live this way are generally high-income earners who have almost nothing saved.  Most rich people do good things with their money, they support charities that do good, they support the working poor and the community they live in.   They have a higher purpose.    It’s about adding to the world, serving others and adding value to peoples lives.

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Living a Rich Life

For anyone that wants to cross the line “from surviving to creating wealth” you must have a change of attitude and mindset.


Start now, don’t wait and you will always win!  It’s just that simple.

It’s Time to Stop Needing and Start Leading.  Start Your Business Today

With WyzeMedia

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Low Entry Cost

WyzeMedia has a low entry cost to get you started in owning your own business along with all the tools you will need to get started today.  According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, most microbusinesses cost around $3,000 to start, while most home-based businesses cost $2,000 to $5,000 to get started.  WyzeMedia is different, our business owner start up fee ranges from $100 to $300 one-time payment.

Monthly Business Service Fee

WyzeMedia has a low monthly service fee (Wyze Business Services WBS) that includes back office management, accounting, ongoing training, home office support, access to device tracking, access to revenue tracking, access to your Team Members, View Tier Structures, ability to register your potential customers and businesses that you have called on and more.  One of the most unique added value service included in the monthly service fee is Telehealth.  Telehealth services are provided by Health Alliance Network.  There is no additional fee for Telehealth, No Co-Pays, No Deductibles, No Per Visit Fee.  Don’t need Telehealth for you and your family?  No problem!  Gift your Telehealth plan to someone else.  It’s that simple, by becoming a Director and paying your monthly service fee, you can have a value added Healthcare plan for you and your family or “gift it” to a family in need of Healthcare.  The monthly service fee is $20 per director per month.

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